
How To Go Back To Exercise After Time Off

How To Go Back To Exercise After Time Off
  • PublishedSeptember 14, 2021

Exercise is essential for a healthy body. Nevertheless, a healthy body is necessary to live a happy life. Many of us didn’t appreciated how easy life was before the pandemic hit the globe, impacting everyone’s life. Our mental and physical health has been greatly affected by lockdowns and the pandemic rules.

However, lockdown does not mean that you should give up on your health, whether mental or physical.

Going back to exercise after a long break

Wondering how to go back to exercise after a long break? In the absence of lockdown, you may go back to your previous routine of exercising outdoor daily but don’t forget the following guidelines to follow:

  1. Light exercise:

Do not go for a sudden or intense exercise. Take everything slow. Your body hasn’t been active for a long time. Therefore, start with light exercise.

  1. Start with a walk:

Runners should start with a walk. They can increase the time and distance as well as speed gradually.

  1. Be patient:

The weightlifters should lift lightweight in the beginning. They should refrain from suddenly lifting heavyweights. Patience is the road to success, so be patient!

  1. Avoid overuse of muscles:

Do not continue the same exercise all day long. Give little time to every muscle group of your body. In this way, stress and overuse of certain muscle groups won’t happen.

  1. Proper warm-up and cool down:

Always warm-up before starting an exercise. For example, you can jog lightly before and after exercise to properly warm your body and cool it well.

  1. Set smaller goals:

Set smaller goals. They will eventually lead you to the larger ones. Initially, you might not be able to achieve the goals, but with time, you will.

It is natural to face difficulty if you are new to exercising or doing it after a long break.

  1. Hear your body out!

You know your body best. You must know when your body wants to quit exercising too. If you are uncomfortable or have pain, please do not exercise further. It might get worst.

Always remember: It is better to be safe than to be sorry.

  1. Take a break:

To avoid injury of torn tendons and ligaments, take one or two days off. You don’t have to exercise intensely daily. Even the bodybuilders take a break to give their bodies rest.

Easing back into working out after COVID-19 recovery

Covid is an infectious disease. It attacks your lungs, heart, and other vital organs. Severe symptoms force a person to stay bedridden for days. If you have fortunately recovered from COVID-19 and want to ease back into working out, do not forget to read the following guidelines:

  1. Resuming Physical activities:

You will feel tired for a few weeks, even after recovery. Furthermore, you might not be able to do many daily life tasks or do them with difficulty. Don’t worry; your physical strength will return gradually with time and care.

However, do not try to force yourself or start exercising right after recovery. It will instead harm your body than doing well to it. Therefore, wait for a few more weeks after recovery to exercise. Furthermore, start an activity with low intensity. So not continue if you have difficulty or short breath.  Take a day or two off, and then start the low-intensity activity again.

  1. Blowing Balloons Exercise:

It is a simple exercise, which is best for the lungs. It is a good exercise for asthma patients, but it is best for those who have recovered from COVID-19. 

All you have to do is blow a certain number of balloons each day. Blowing balloons is a workout for your intercostal muscles. These muscles are responsible for spreading as well as elevating the diaphragm.

Your lungs take in oxygen as you inhale and expel carbon dioxide as you exhale. When the body has more oxygen during exercise, you do not become tired or breathless.

  1. Positions that ease breathlessness:

Following positions relieve breathlessness:

  • Lying on your side: Supporting pillows for your head and neck.
  • Lean sitting: Leaning forward while sitting eases the short breathiness.
  • Leaning while sittingYou lean forwards while in a sitting position. This method also helps the shortness of breath.
  • Back support (while standing):Leaning with the back against the wall, keep your hands on the sides. Your feet should be a foot from the wall and slightly apart.

Final thoughts

Whether you are a COVID-19 survivor or not, never start exercise right away after a long break. Intense exercise after immobility for a long time can cause your muscles to collapse and tear. No matter how much you know your body, do not exercise on your own. Consult your physician first. It will be even better to hire a therapist to help you exercise according to your condition.

Never forget, It is better to be safe than to be sorry. You might feel all good, but take precautionary steps and wait for a few days more before starting exercise after recovery. Easing back into working out might be difficult, but it is not impossible.

Written By
DH Writers

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