Health & Fitness

All About Hemp Tea: The Benefits and the Facts

All About Hemp Tea: The Benefits and the Facts
  • PublishedJune 27, 2023

Hemp tea, a byproduct of the versatile hemp plant, is becoming increasingly popular among people seeking health benefits. 

Despite common misconceptions, this beverage doesn’t serve as a narcotic but rather offers numerous potential wellness perks. 

Here are some interesting aspects of hemp tea, including its connection with CBD oil, its potential health benefits, and its legal status.

Hemp Tea and CBD Oil: A Match Made in Health Heaven

Hemp tea’s link to CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of its most intriguing aspects. When the cannabis plant undergoes processing, it produces CBD, a non-psychoactive compound known for its potential health benefits. Hemp tea contains CBD in varying quantities, largely depending on the hemp plant’s part used to make the tea.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil, one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant, has gained significant recognition due to its potential therapeutic properties. 

Unlike THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), another compound in the cannabis plant, CBD doesn’t cause a “high” or any form of intoxication. It’s often extracted and mixed with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil to create CBD oil. Some potential benefits of CBD oil include:

  • Pain relief
  • Reduction of anxiety and depression
  • Alleviation of cancer-related symptoms
  • Potential neuroprotective properties

How is CBD Present in Hemp Tea?

CBD is present in hemp tea because hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant bred specifically for industrial uses. 

It contains high levels of CBD and low levels of THC, making it ideal for those seeking the benefits of CBD without the psychoactive effects. The tea is made by steeping the leaves, seeds, or buds of the hemp plant in hot water, similar to how traditional teas are brewed.

Can Hemp Tea Make You High?

Since hemp tea is made from industrial hemp plants, it contains less than 0.3% THC, the compound responsible for causing the “high” in marijuana. 

This low THC level means that drinking hemp tea won’t make you high, while you might still benefit from the presence of CBD. As such, hemp tea is more of a soft drink with potential health benefits than a narcotic.

The Potential Health Benefits of Hemp Tea

A steaming mug of hemp tea is more than just a comforting beverage. Packed with cannabinoids, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), hemp tea is touted as a treasure trove of potential health benefits. 

With promising early research and anecdotal reports, this herbal infusion is turning heads in the wellness world. However, it’s important to emphasize that while the initial results are encouraging, comprehensive studies are needed to substantiate these potential benefits definitively.

May Help Alleviate Anxiety and Depression

Living in an increasingly fast-paced world, many people suffer from mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. Here, hemp tea, with its CBD content, might emerge as a natural remedy. CBD is believed to interact with the body’s serotonin receptors, often referred to as the “happy” neurotransmitter. These receptors play an instrumental role in maintaining mental health.

Several scientific studies point towards the potential role of CBD in managing anxiety. For instance, a 2019 study suggested that CBD could significantly reduce anxiety levels in individuals with a social anxiety disorder. 

Similar findings have been observed for depression, with CBD demonstrating potential antidepressant-like effects in animal studies. Thus, sipping on hemp tea might serve as a soothing ritual for those battling these disorders.

Potential Pain and Inflammation Relief

Pain and inflammation are part and parcel of numerous health conditions. Whether it’s the chronic pain of arthritis or the sporadic inflammation from an injury, finding effective and safe management strategies is crucial. This is where hemp tea, rich in CBD, might make a mark.

CBD has the potential to modulate the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This complex cell-signaling system plays a crucial role in regulating several functions, including sleep, immune response, and pain. 

According to a review of studies published in the European Journal of Pain, there’s substantial evidence that cannabis-based products like CBD can help manage pain, especially when associated with multiple sclerosis and arthritis.

Therefore, incorporating hemp tea into your routine might offer some relief from persistent pain and inflammation, making your days more comfortable and productive.

Could Improve Sleep Quality

Sound sleep is vital for good health, yet numerous individuals grapple with sleep disorders. Here again, hemp tea might lend a helping hand. Owing to its CBD content, hemp tea could potentially contribute to improved sleep quality.

CBD is believed to interact with receptors in the brain that govern the body’s daily sleep/wake cycles. A 2019 study on CBD’s effects on sleep found that 66.7% of patients reported better sleep within the first month of CBD use. Hemp tea, with its calming properties and CBD content, might just be the perfect evening ritual for those struggling with insomnia or irregular sleep patterns.

The potential health benefits of hemp tea, primarily driven by its CBD content, extend across various aspects of physical and mental health. However, it’s always crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new element to your health regimen.

The Legal Status of Hemp Tea

The legality of hemp tea is tied to the legal status of hemp and CBD, both of which vary significantly worldwide. Despite its growing popularity, many potential users are unsure about its legal status, mainly due to its association with the cannabis plant.

Hemp Tea in the UK

Hemp tea and CBD are legal to sell and consume in the UK. You can actually find CBD based products such as tea, coffee and chocolate in high street shops such as Holland and Barrett and Tesco.

Hemp Tea in the United States

In the United States, hemp tea is legal as long as the hemp used in its production contains less than 0.3% THC, according to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, regulations regarding CBD are still evolving, so it’s crucial to stay updated with your local laws.

Hemp Tea in Europe

In Europe, the legal status of hemp tea varies from country to country. In general, if the THC content is below 0.2%, it’s considered legal in most European countries. However, some countries have stricter laws, so it’s essential to check the specific regulations in your country.

Hemp Tea in Other Parts of the World

In other parts of the world, the legal status of hemp tea can be quite varied. Some countries, like Canada, have legalized both medical and recreational cannabis use. However, in many Asian and Middle Eastern countries, any cannabis-derived products, including hemp tea, are strictly illegal.

Final Remarks

Hemp tea is more of a soft drink with potential health benefits than a narcotic. It contains CBD, which may have various health benefits, and it’s legal in many parts of the world. 

Whether you’re looking for a new herbal tea to try or seeking the potential health benefits of CBD, hemp tea might be worth considering. As always, consult your healthcare provider before starting any new health regimen.

Written By
Gesten Van Der Post

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